SPC Marcus DeMatos

SPC Marcus DeMatos

Dates of Service: Oct 1994 - Jul 1996
82% Complete
9 Contacts
Influence Score: 42,943
1,561 out of 868,090 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC Oct 94

Recent Activity  -


Currently a Sales Zone Manager with Ford Motor Company (2011-present); Lead Agent on AXZ&D / Marketing for Ford Motor Company (2001-2011); Senior Assistant Manager with Blockbuster Video (1998-2001); Starbucks Cafe Manager with Barnes & Noble (1997-98); Grill Trainer with McDonald's (1996-97); Medic in U.S. Army (1994-96); History Major student at Florida Atlantic University (1990-93).

Member Phi Alpha Theta International Honor Society

Military Experiences

Oct 1995 - Jul 1996
BN Medical Supply Sergeant
In addition to my standard Medic duties, due to my 91Q training and NCO shortage, I was given the additional duty to maintain the BN medical supplies and aid in the logistical readiness of our Aid Stations, Ambulances, and Platoon. As a Specialist filling an E-6 bracket I was entitled by regulation to be promoted to the nearest NCO rank as I was working 2 grades beyond my rank... unfortunately the unit chose not to process the paperwork making my CPL rank official.
Jul 1995 - Jul 1996
2-12 CAV
BN Med Supply Sgt / Aid Station Medic, Med Plt - HHC 2/12 Cav (Chargers), 2nd Bde (Blackjack), 1CD (First Team), III Corps (Phantom Warrior)
Jul 1995 - Jul 1996
Senior Sick Call Medic
As one of only 3 Medics in the Platoon with EMT certification (one was detached to the TMC, and the other was an NCO assigned to a line unit), I was relied upon to take lead in triage for daily sick call, coordinate the rotation of drugs for dispensing, and filing of medical record correspondence. I also was the key to Battalion vaccinations to maintain unit deployability.
Apr 1995 - Jul 1995
Squad Leader
1st Squad leader for 91Q training platoon. After choosing to drop, I was temporarily assigned as Casual Platoon Sergeant and lead Company Clerk for Morning Reports.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Mar 1995 - Jul 1995

Advanced Individual Training (AIT) - 91Q


Sep 1995

Platoon Letter Carrier

Aug 1995

Wheeled Driver - M998, M35A2, M149A2

Aug 1995

Tracked Driver - M577A2, M113A1, M113A2

Foreign Language Skills


Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1990 - 1993

Florida Atlantic University

Bachelor's Degree, German

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter