64% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,117
33,683 out of 868,041 Veterans
33,683 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Highly experienced Logistics Manager. Consistently demonstrates the ability to oversee and lead diverse/ integrated teams of technical experts. Strong logistical management qualifications with over 27 years experience and proven ability to successfully analyze, identify deficiencies and resolve complex logistical problems affecting various activities and units.
Military Experiences
Sep 1987 - Jan 1991
Chief of Supply
Accountable Officer for the largest account in Electronic Security Command (FB7035) with over 8,000 line items valued at over $15,000,000. Personally accountable for over $195,000,000 in special information processing equipment. In addition, managed a staff of 15, maintained an effective analysis program, and a progressive training program. As well, held responsibility for requisitioning, receiving, shipping, storage and issue of all supplies and equipment. Maintained a 100% inventory accuracy rate for all 8,000 line items. Relocated warehouse space, allowing for the requisition and installation of space saving devices which stored more inventory in 70% less space. Reduced average delivery times by at least one week. Named best Logistics Specialist in Electronic Security Command.
Jul 1985 - Sep 1987
Logistics Chief
Managed logistics complex for three sites in Florida (Key West NAS, Patrick AFB and Card Sound). Specifically, supervised over 60 personnel in the areas of maintenance, supply and quality assurance. Served as Accountable Officer. Additionally, managed a supply account consisting of over $8,000,000. Relocated the supply complex, reducing delivery times by over one hour. Transitioned an electronic security system (Senior Spear) to a different location with no loss in downtime and well ahead of schedule. Planned and organized the activation of a new multi-million dollar sensor system. Organized and activated a new operating location which maintains sensitive airborne mission equipment. Set up and directed shelters for unit personnel during Hurricane Kate. Excellent rating by ESC/IG.
Nov 1982 - Jul 1985
Chief, Management & Systems
Responsible for procedural guidance and quality production within the supply account. Supervised 100 personnel (30 military and 70 civilians including 13 different nationalities). Managed the Stock Fund. Supervised the Management Analysis Section which collected data and conducted studies to improve the efficiency of the Standard Base Supply System. Interpreted supply policy for employees and customers and developed new policies. Processed Reports of Survey to correct discrepancies. Developed and published operating directives. Wrote functional and operating instructions for the computer automation of the account. Developed Supply Customer’s Guide. Maintained stockage effectiveness, bench stock effectiveness, and inventory accuracy of 96%, 97%, and 98%, respectively.
Jun 1981 - Nov 1982
Chief, Customer Support
Responsible for all issue requests processed to Base supply, EAID (Equipment Authorization In Use Detail), DIFM (Due In From Maintenance), Supply Point, Bench Stock, TCTOs (Time Compliance Tech Orders) and Retail Sales. Supervised 12 military and 17 civilian employees. Implemented quality control program which resulted in a 99.9% reporting accuracy of auditable transactions affecting the equipment account. Established procedures for assignment of local stock numbers that replaced approximately 30,000 manual stock record cards with a more efficient computer system. Established walk through procedures for priority requests. Monitored the MICAP (Mission Capable) and SNUD (Stock Number Directory) systems.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Engine Manager Course
Inventory Management Supervisor's Course
Inventory Management Specialist Course
Level II - Life Cycle Logistics
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1984 - 1990
Troy University Masters in Public Administration
1975 - 1980
Troy University BAS-Resource Mgt