PO2 Kevin Wendt

PO2 Kevin Wendt

Dates of Service: Apr 1981 - May 1985
58% Complete
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,079
34,758 out of 867,689 Veterans
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  • PO2 Jan 85

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"You have such a unique background"... I've heard it a thousand times and managers love that I bring such a diverse set of unique skills to the marketplace. And as a manager and team-player, I thrive in high-pressure environments (e.g., I was responsible for feeding 1600 US Navy servicemen daily when I was 19 yo). I'm very passionate about healthcare and nutrition, and the ongoing education of soc "You have such a unique background"... I've heard it a thousand times and managers love that I bring such a diverse set of unique skills to the marketplace. And as a manager and team-player, I thrive in high-pressure environments (e.g., I was responsible for feeding 1600 US Navy servicemen daily when I was 19 yo), and I'm able to to remain calm, cool, and productive when placed in stressful and challenging environments.

Military Experiences

Jun 1981 - May 1985

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Math and Sanitation

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (2+/2+)

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Personal Information

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