50% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 810
46,302 out of 867,237 Veterans
46,302 out of 867,237 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Oct 2012 - Jan 2015
Inspector General
Serves as a Detailed Inspector General and the Inspection Team Chief; identifies trends and assists the Commanding General in the improvement of the discipline, morale, esprit de corps, mobilization readiness, state of economy, and organizational efficiency. Conducts impartial investigations and inspections into all matters affecting mission readiness. Recommends internal controls and procedures required to ensure effective functional operations and support for commanders and customers. The investigative process involves determining what evidence to obtain through interviews of parties to the complaint and identified witnesses and through document review. Analyzed evidence to determine if a violation has been committed and drafts final reports with recommendations to the commander.
(1 year, 2 months)Feb 2004 - Mar 2005
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Logistics Officer (S4) for a 520 soldier Corps (Wheeled) Combat Engineer Battalion deployed for combat operations in support of Operation Iraq Freedom II. Responsible for all logistic operations, planning of battalion supply activities, transportation, and service operations in suppoct of the 1st Cavalry Division in Multi-National Division (MND) Ce
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees