CSM Tony Bowen

CSM Tony Bowen

Dates of Service: Nov 1983 - Oct 2011
77% Complete
50 Contacts
Influence Score: 20,935
2,921 out of 864,896 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PV2 May 84
  • PFC Nov 84
  • SPC May 85
  • SGT Nov 86
  • SSG May 90
  • SFC Jan 98
  • MSG Aug 01
  • CSM Oct 06

Recent Activity  -


Trainer (ESP) (Engineering, Solutions and Products) 28 August 2011 - PRESENT Provide FBCB2/BFT New Equipment and Sustainment Training to War fighters. Perform between 50% and 92% Temporary Duty (TDY) in support of PM FBCB2 training requirements. Training is conducted at CONUS and OCONUS locations


(4 years, 2 months)
Aug 2012 - May 2013
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
As a Field Service Representative (FSR) for Joint Capabilities Release (JCR) Blue Force Tracker (BFT) in support of 2nd BDE 101 Air Assault Division.
Dec 2008 - Dec 2009
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed as the Greywolf (3rd BDE) 1st Cavalry Division S3 SGM.
Jul 2006 - Aug 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed as the 1st Cavalry Division G3 Training SGM
Mar 2003 - Mar 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Started out at FOB Warhorse as the Asst. OPS SGM for 2nd BDE 4th ID. Mid July moved to FOB Normandy as the HHC 2/8 IN 2nd BDE 4ID 1SG.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Nov 1991 - Feb 1992

Master Gunner School (Bradley)

Security Clearance