30% Complete
0 Endorsements
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 437
86,859 out of 866,756 Veterans
86,859 out of 866,756 Veterans
Recent Activity -
(1 year, 4 months)May 1992 - Nov 1992
Deployed with 26th MEU for a Med float. 2nd AABN A Co 3rd Platoon- deployed with Fox Co 2/2. I was the crew chief of the AAVC7A1 command and control vehicle that the carried the MEU Commander on all Amphibious operations. During this float we participated in Operation Provide Promise off the coast of former Yugoslavia.
Aug 1990 - Apr 1991
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Deployed with 4th MEB- 2nd AABN, A co 4th Platoon- we deployed with India Co 3/2.