PO3 Earl F. McCartney 111

PO3 Earl F. McCartney 111

Dates of Service: Jul 1984 - Mar 1995
85% Complete
77 Contacts
Influence Score: 17,318
3,492 out of 868,083 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Dec 84
  • SA Oct 85
  • SN Jun 86
  • PO3 Mar 89

Recent Activity  -


I'm a 100% service connected disabled Veteran from the US Navy and proud to have served!! I've spent the last 28 yrs +/- of my retirement as a Business Entrepreneur Starting one successful business after another and each from scratch. The last 5+/- years I've gradually sold off each business and I'm learning to enjoy my retirement while my health & wife will allow it.

Military Experiences

Jul 1986 - Sep 1988
Interior Communications Electrician (IC)
Shipbosrd communication & Alarm systems & PMS maintenance.
Jun 1985 - Jul 1986
Hull Maintenance Technician (HT)
Repair locker Tech
Sounding tube Maintenance & repair
Mar 1985 - Jun 1985
MSG School
Engineering A School
Full time student until I was dismissed early to next duty Station due to my excessive hand to hand combat skills and roommates excessive stupidity & love of the Base ER.


We spent aprox. 6 months out ocassionaly visiting exotic ports such as Sspain, Italy, Israel and France
We spent aprox. 6 months out occasionally visiting exotic ports such as Spain, Italy, Israel and France. I remember taking a weeks leave in Cannes France with a girlfriend from England. Had a blast in Nice riding a motorcycle all over France & over to Monte Carlo. These are times I'll never 4get.
North Atlantic
We sailed past the Coast of Norway Where I lived as a kid and must say it is the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I remember we had to go up on the "Cold as Hell" Flight deck in our skivvies to earn a ribbon. I figured what a weird way to get a ribbon but it was fun anyway!
We spent aprox. 6 months out ocassionaly visiting exotic ports such as Sspain, Italy, Israel and France We even visited Libya to see Mr. Qadhafi but unfortunately we were not able to go ashore to chat w/him, only our bomber planes & pilots got to do that, musta've worked too cause we never heard no more from him til Killary had him killed!

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

1986 - 1987

Interior communications

Jan 1985 - Mar 1985

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees



Job/Skill Training, SUB. TEACHER K-12

1990 - 1991


Job/Skill Training, REAL ESTATE AGENT

Personal Information

restoring guns and classic cars hunting fishing
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter