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63% Complete
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Influence Score: 567
16,024 out of 87,482 E-6s
16,024 out of 87,482 E-6s
SSG JenkinsPeoples, Jonathan
April 19th 2018, my contract for the Georgia National Guard began with the 48th Infantry Brigade. I reclassed to human resources earning the MOS of 42A assigned to the the 48th infantry Brigade Combat Team. Later deploying to Jalabad, Afghanistan on the 11th of January 2019 returning of the 1st of July 2019. On the Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) I was selected for promotion and placed in an E6 position while still an E5. I attended Advanced Leadership Course at Fort Dix New Jersey in Jan of 2020 was later promoted to Staff Sergeant in my new unit of the 1ST of the 214th Field Artillery Regiment with the 648 Maneuver Enhancement Brigade. Graduated with Bachelors 08 March 2021 with a focus in Business Administration Bachelors of Science from Columbia College.