SSG Peter Muse

SSG Peter Muse

Dates of Service: Aug 1981 - Jun 1995
90% Complete
257 Contacts
Influence Score: 40,208
1,648 out of 867,878 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Aug 81
  • PV2 Feb 82
  • PFC Oct 82
  • SPC Oct 83
  • SGT Oct 86
  • SSG Jun 92

Recent Activity  -


After fourteen years of active duty and now almost twenty years of civilian service I am planning on my third career. I want a management position in a military training center. At the same time, in my spare time I am building a team of vets and others who work together to create financial security and to create meaningful projects that we finance from our business successes. Maybe with you? I am a trainer, career planner, workforce developer and entrepreneur. With all of these things are common threads of Service to others, creating a better future for others and educating people everywhere in order to equip everyone with the keys to success.

Military Experiences

May 1992 - Jun 1994
535th ESC
Section Sergeant
The 535th CSE was stationed in Grafenwoehr Germany and responsible for horizontal engineer support of local training areas Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels. I was a 20 Ton Dump Squad Leader handling all quarry and earth transport operations for the road building projects our platoon was assigned.
Sep 1990 - May 1992
1-37 AR
Hemmt Operator
I transferred to 1/37 because of Operation Desert Storm and the 2nd Bn, 37th AR was stood down from the operation. I was a Hemmt operator and refuel-rearm team leader for one of our tank line companies.
Dec 1988 - Sep 1990
2-37 AR
Cargo Section Sergeant
Section SGT for of the Cargo Sect of the Support Platoon. Trained operators in motor vehicle operations, combat support , convoy tactics and ammunition handling. Also served as asst Bn ammo NCO.
Dec 1985 - Dec 1988
Truck Driver, Motor Ops.Sgt
Pulled line haul missions from Vicenza to Sigonella, Italy in support of the Southern European Task Force mission. Served as Motor SGT for a year planning and signing all motor opns for the 28th Trans Plt.


(5 months)
Dec 1990 - Apr 1991
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
1st AD/ 3ID, 1 bn 37th Ar, Vilseck Germany. 1/37AR was a spearhead unit during desert storm. 1–37 Armor was attached to the 3rd "Bulldog" Brigade from Warner Barracks in Bamberg, Germany

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Ended in 1985

NBC School


Jun 1995

Army Instructor Training Course TAITC

Foreign Language Skills


German (2/2)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1995 - 1999

University of Maryland – University College

Bachelor's Degree, Mgmt Studies
