Recent Activity -
Experienced leader in both civilian and military sectors. Offers strong team building ability, superior communications skills, positive interpersonal talent, and a dedicated work ethic. Training, supervisory and management experience, military leadership, sales experience, management of personnel, operations and logistics, advanced Spanish-English knowledge, computer software skills, etc.
Military Experiences
(1 year, 9 months)Jun 2005 - Sep 2006

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Intelligence Officer/Embedded Trainer within Florida's 53rd BCT supporting 201st Thunder Corps, Afghan National Army. Trained Afghan Intelligence Officers to improve effectiveness of Afghanistan's security operations. Also supervised linguist contingent for Task Force Phoenix IV. Kabul, Gardez, Khost, Orgun-e, Ghazni, Manas, 82nd ABN
Jan 2002 - May 2002
Interpreter and linguist coordinator for the humanitarian Joint Task Force Chontales. Supported Wisconsin National Guard engineers with duration linguistic support for this overseas mission. The JTF built schools, latrines, medical clinics, fixed roads, MEDRETE exercises, etc.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Started in Jun 2010
Reid Technique of Interviewing
Foreign Language Skills
Portuguese (Brazilian/European (2+/2+)
Spanish (3+/3+)
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees