MSgt Derek Le Vie

MSgt Derek Le Vie

Dates of Service: Jan 1989 - Feb 2013
74% Complete
11 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,274
18,603 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB Jan 89
  • Amn Jun 89
  • A1C May 90
  • Sgt Jan 92
  • SSgt Apr 96
  • TSgt Mar 02
  • MSgt 2007

Recent Activity  -


I like to align myself with successful environments. With my 24 years of experience in helicopter maintenance with the United States Air Force I am qualified for many positions. My Air Force career culminated in the position of Subject Matter Expert for the Air Force’s HH-60G fleet of 99 helicopters on Air Combat Command staff.

Military Experiences

2009 - 2013
HH-60 Weapon System Team Superintendent
Sustainment and modernization of the $1.5 billion HH-60G Pave Hawk program comprised of 99 helicopters. Performed lead command duties for five major commands covering the management of logistics, modernization, and safety. Coordinated procurement and testing efforts with two Air Logistics Centers and Combat Search and Rescue Combined Test Flight. Actively participated in strategic planning to improve organizational direction and focus using strategic planning tools and techniques. Prepared and delivered oral presentations such as briefings, training sessions, consultations, and strategy sessions for senior leadership and headquarters staff functions to secure cooperation, resolve controversial matters and convey information. Managed manpower authorizations, allocations, contingencies
2003 - 2009
55 RS
Led team of 10 phase dock mechanics. Implemented controls on work force to ensure maximum utilization of resources. Planned and coordinated all functions associated with an HH-60G 600-hour inspection. Encouraged continuous improvement of maintenance practices to enhance production. Enforced the use of technical guidance and proper documentation of all maintenance actions to include historical documents. Direct supervision of 14 support personnel. Controlled, maintenance and availability of over 600 equipment items. Enforced safety standards, housekeeping directives, and foreign object damage prevention. Directed daily maintenance, support, and flying schedule of eight HH-60G helicopters.
2001 - 2003
Directed and coordinated all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and flying schedule for five HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters valued at $80 million. Controlled and guided maintenance priorities for all flight line crew chief, avionic and armament personnel. Implemented weekly and monthly maintenance plans and ensured all resources were available to meet the mission requirements. Placed emphasis on non-mission capable aircraft and took action to return them to mission capable status. Coordinated external agency support not available in the unit, to include munitions items, fire trucks and petroleum support. Reviewed aircraft maintenance records and automated databases for accuracy. Performed in-depth debriefs of aircrews to ensure proper maintenance documentation and correction of all
1996 - 2001


(9 months)
May 2008 - Sep 2008
Iraq ribbon
Feb 1995 - May 1995

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Ended in 1994

Dedicated Crew Chief course

Ended in 1993

H-60 Helicopter Technician

Ended in 1993

Turboshaft Propulsion Technician course

Ended in 1991

H-3 Helicopter Technician course

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Personal Information



Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter