55% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,324
29,192 out of 866,621 Veterans
29,192 out of 866,621 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jan 1988 - May 1988
Acting Supply Admin Chief
As a Corporal, I volunteered to fill the role of the Admin Chief while out at sea. The Sergeant who normally would fill that position had no desire to be involved.
Approved by our Supply Office and Supply Chief, I oversaw staffing alignments of permanent and TAD Marines within the supply office while aboard ship. The physical office space was insufficient to accommodate all personnel, so arranged a TAD Marine with a permanent Marine to work in different locations while monitoring their production.
At the same time, I managed the MAL (Mechanized Allowance List).
(7 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Supply NCO School
Supply School
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees