24% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 60
256,079 out of 867,402 Veterans
256,079 out of 867,402 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Started in May 2013
MSOS Instructor
- Assigned to Special Operations Training Cadre 4, Unconventional warfare and Foreign Internal Defense. Supervised and instructed Individual Training Course (ITC) students and Direct Support Teams in Irregular Warfare and full Spectrum Special Operation tactics, techniques, and procedures in both on-base and off-base training environments.
- Developed geographical areas and human support networks for Unconventional
Warfare training scenarios off base.
- Served as live fire Officer In Charge/Range Safety Officer during live fire training events at sites on and off DOD facilities during daytime and low light exercises.
- Assisted in the planning, coordination, supervision, and evaluation of over 80 students, ranging in rank from Corporal to Captain, throughout the conduct of ITC Phase 0.
- Developed geographical areas and human support networks for Unconventional
Warfare training scenarios off base.
- Served as live fire Officer In Charge/Range Safety Officer during live fire training events at sites on and off DOD facilities during daytime and low light exercises.
- Assisted in the planning, coordination, supervision, and evaluation of over 80 students, ranging in rank from Corporal to Captain, throughout the conduct of ITC Phase 0.
(2 years, 10 months)May 2012 - Dec 2012
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Integrated Coalition Special Operations into the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-A by providing a daily overview of Coalition SOF operations, including updates, disposition, and personnel changes regarding COALSOF. Briefed over 170 level 1 and 2 operations.
- Supervised and assisted with two major relief in place.
- Supervised and assisted with two major relief in place.
Aug 2009 - Feb 2010
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Element Leader with the following accomplishments;
- Mentored element members during 6-week shooting package and multiple deployments for training including distributed operations, direct action raids, reconnaissance missions and foreign military training.
- Led a Company size force of Afghan soldiers during Operation Red Thunder.
- Mentored element members during 6-week shooting package and multiple deployments for training including distributed operations, direct action raids, reconnaissance missions and foreign military training.
- Led a Company size force of Afghan soldiers during Operation Red Thunder.
Apr 2007 - Nov 2007
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Element Member with the following accomplishments
Conducted detailed mission analysis, planning, coordination, and briefings for all team missions, in accordance with billet assignment, in support of platoon operations.
- Performed numerous dismounted assaults on known enemy positions with extreme violence of action and positive effects on target,
Conducted detailed mission analysis, planning, coordination, and briefings for all team missions, in accordance with billet assignment, in support of platoon operations.
- Performed numerous dismounted assaults on known enemy positions with extreme violence of action and positive effects on target,
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Ended in Nov 2008
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