74% Complete
0 Endorsements
14 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,935
9,913 out of 866,663 Veterans
9,913 out of 866,663 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I retired from the US Air Force in 2006 after 20 years as a Master Sergeant in the 1C5 Field (Radar Operations, C2). I now work at the NATO Headquarters in Norfolk, Va as Lead Experimentation Program Integrator, overseeing NATO Capabilities in exercises, experiments, etc. I have worked as an experimenter, programme manager and Integrator during my 9 years at NATO. I love working at NATO!
Military Experiences
Sep 1993 - Oct 2006
Assistant Flight Chief
I worked at SEADS as the Assistant Flight Chief of one of the operational flights controlling airspace over the southeast United States from Texas to Virginia. During my time at SEADS, I transitioned from Active Air Force to Active Air National Guard during a time of transition for Air Defense in the US.
During that time, I worked in the C2 section, the Surveillance Section and the Identification Section. I also spent 4 years as the Superintendent of Stan/Eval Section for the Sector.
Sep 1990 - Sep 1993
Joint Surveillance Superviser
I conducted, briefed and debriefed Peacetime Air Reconnaissance missions in the southeast United States and controlled Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information. I briefed NATO and US Aircrews weekly for flight operations in the Florida Straits and monitored/worked TADIL A/Link 11 and TADIL B operations with Navy ships. Additionally, I helped perform counterdrug operations involving law enforcement, U.S. Customs, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Colombian assets integrating multiple radars.
Sep 1989 - Sep 1990
Command Post Operator
I worked within the Command Post at Air Forces Iceland in Keflavik Naval Air Station monitoring and tracking assets in defense of US mainland.
Feb 1987 - Sep 1989
Weapons Controller Technician
Worked as a Radar operator in mobile TACS setting and provided armed defense of surrounding site. Trained as a weapons Director Technician, coordinating with FAA for airspace clearances and assisting the controller. Also trained as the Disaster Preparedness Representative: trained unit personnel how to prepare, survive, perform duties, and cope in a biological/nuclear warfare environment
(10 years, 5 months)Dec 1987 - Apr 1998
Saudi Arabia
I worked as an operator trained to maintain TADIL A Links with E-3 aircraft on the RADIC system. We coordinated and deconflicted aircraft flying in the Persian Gulf from US Ships during the Iran/Iraq War.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information