SSG Edwin Scott

SSG Edwin Scott

Dates of Service: Jan 2003 - Jan 2007
48% Complete
0 Endorsements
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 562
64,920 out of 868,097 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • CPL Jan 03
  • SGT Oct 03
  • SSG Jul 06

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Sep 2005 - Jan 2007
Satellite Communications NCO Technician
Our unit converted to Civil Affairs and I was transferred to the JMFTX J6 C4I detachment. I became a Satellite Communications NCO Technician. The detachment consisted of US Army, Texas National Guard and Texas State Guard personnel. I was deployed to TXARNG HQ's Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas where I operated and maintained communication networks during Hurricane Rita relief operations. I then deployed forward with Operation Chainsaw at Beaumont, Texas, as part of Hurricane Rita relief operations, I operated and maintained satellite communications systems for the TOC and the MWR. In July 2006 I deployed to the Texas/Mexico Border as part of Operation Lone Star, a humanitarian medical mission. I operated and maintained satellite communications for the HQs and the TOC.
Jan 2003 - Sep 2005
Squad Leader
I enlisted in the Texas State Guard Military Police Branch as a CPL (E-4) under the Stripes for Skills program that awarded pay grade and rank incentives to enlistees with civilian specialty skills such as being a commissioned Police Officer. Due to my prior experience and demonstrated leadership capacities I was put in charge of an MP Squad. During this period I attended US Army NCO leadership courses and was promoted to Sergeant (E-5). My MTOE slot moved me to a temporary assignment as Brigade Personnel NCO while I trained in Satellite Communications. I was deployed for Evacuee Shelter Management/Security operations at Dallas, Texas as part of Hurricane Katrina relief operations. I was given an MP squad to lead on physical security of the shelter.


(6 months)
Jul 2006 - Aug 2006
SATCOM management and technical assignments at Operation Lone Star, a humanitarian medical mission to the Texas/Mexico border from Del Rio, Texas to McAllen, Texas and through the Lower Valley Area of Texas. During the mission I set and ran LAN Lines, established military networks, and operated a mobile CQ for Task Force CO.
Aug 2005 - Sep 2005
Hurricane Katrina
Shelter Management and Security Operations in Dallas, Texas for the Evacuee Shelter established for Hurricane Katrina victims. During this deployment I stood post guard assignments and assisted shelter authorities with Quarantine Measures and Medical Screening. I was put in charge of a Military Police Squad assigned to the detail.
Sep 2005 - Oct 2005
Hurrican Rita Relief Operations
SATCOM management and technical assignments at TXMF HQ's, Camp Mabry, Austin, TX and forward deployment to Operation Chainsaw HQ's at Beaumont, TX. I set and run LAN lines, established military networks, and operated the MWR technical center for deployed soldiers and civilian authorities.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 2005 - Sep 2005

Satellite Communications Technician Course

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2006 - 2008

2005 - 2008

Frank Phillips College

Associate Degree, General Studies

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter