51% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 486
78,174 out of 868,073 Veterans
78,174 out of 868,073 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
2008 - 2010
Maintenance Control NCO
•Supervised 4 maintenance controllers on 3 tenant airframes and all transient aircraft
•Monitored job start and completion times to establish factual Estimated Times in Commission and reported Not Mission Capable data to Group Commander and Headquarters Air Mobility Command
• Coordinated aircraft maintenance by authorizing and assigning priorities through Wing and tenant units
•Interacted with higher headquarters and local agencies to coordinate maintenance recovery teams, aircraft ground movements, maintenance activities, and cargo actions
•Monitored job start and completion times to establish factual Estimated Times in Commission and reported Not Mission Capable data to Group Commander and Headquarters Air Mobility Command
• Coordinated aircraft maintenance by authorizing and assigning priorities through Wing and tenant units
•Interacted with higher headquarters and local agencies to coordinate maintenance recovery teams, aircraft ground movements, maintenance activities, and cargo actions
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance