85% Complete
0 Endorsements
28 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,561
8,116 out of 868,073 Veterans
8,116 out of 868,073 Veterans
Recent Activity -
The 21 years 9 months and 14 days of total service. Gave me the tools to motivate myself, elevate those around me. I will always remember each Soldier, situations, and deployment experience. For as long as my mind will allow me to remember.
Those who knew me understood my points of view, direction, and my motivation. I had set very fixed goals. I have been achieving them and creating new ones.
Those who knew me understood my points of view, direction, and my motivation. I had set very fixed goals. I have been achieving them and creating new ones.
Military Experiences
Aug 2013 - Sep 2016
Writer/Instructor, Training Development
Involved with the training and development for the future of Army aviation maintainers, and Air Force Airmen. Responsible for the UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter A/L/M model courses. Performed duties as a training development SME , course ware creation, along with instructor evaluations.
Sep 2011 - Aug 2013
Technical Inspector/ Rear Detachment Platoon Sergeant.
Technical inspector, Maintenance test flight duties, Battalion armorer, Platoon Sergeant of forty three transitioning Soldiers.
Jan 2010 - Sep 2012
(3 years, 6 months)Jun 2010 - Jun 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
B.co/A.co 3-4 AVN 4th INF CAB, PSG/SSGT/CE 440 Combat Hrs, 1 AM, 1ARCOM.
Sep 2006 - Dec 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
A.co 2-227 AVN 1ADCAB, CE 720 Hrs Combat, 1 AM,CAB,1ARCOM. 15 month "surge deployment".
Mar 2004 - Mar 2005

Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
ASE certified
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information