LTC Norris Bruce (Bubba) Higdon

LTC Norris Bruce (Bubba) Higdon

Dates of Service: May 1972 - Sep 1993
44% Complete
13 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,292
29,791 out of 867,447 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
  • MAJ
  • LTC
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1972

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Executive Officer
Instructor, Committee Group, FT Knox 1974-1975 Basic Rifle Marksmanship Chief, Committe Grp 1975 Executive Officer, B Co./1st Bn/72d Armor, Camp Casey, Korea 1975 S4, HHC 1/72 1976 S4, 1/9 Cav 1977-1979 S4, 2Bde/24th ID, 1979-1980 Enlisted Instructor, 3290th USARF School 1980-1986 PAO, 125th USARCOM, 1986-1988 CGSOC Instructor, 3290th USARF School1988-1990 Casualty Notification/Burial Assistance Officer, FORSCOM 1990 Director of Enlisted Instruction, 3290th USARF 1991-1993
Executive Officer
Instructor, Committee Group, FT Knox 1974-1975 Basic Rifle Marksmanship Chief, Committe Grp 1975 Executive Officer, B Co./1st Bn/72d Armor, Camp Casey, Korea 1975 S4, HHC 1/72 1976 S4, 1/9 Cav 1977-1979 S4, 2Bde/24th ID, 1979-1980 Enlisted Instructor, 3290th USARF School 1980-1986 PAO, 125th USARCOM, 1986-1988 CGSOC Instructor, 3290th USARF School1988-1990 Casualty Notification/Burial Assistance Officer, FORSCOM 1990 Director of Enlisted Instruction, 3290th USARF 1991-1993

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Armor Officer Basic, Motor Officer and Adavance Courses, Command and General Staff College

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Logistics Executive Development Course, S4/G4 Course, and Redeye Missile Systems Controller Course


NBC Officer Certified, PAO Certified, Military Instructor Certified

Foreign Language Skills

German, Korean

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1968 - 1972
