Recent Activity -
4 year USAF 1971 to 1975 - Security Police K9 - 81150A3. 18 years Active Guard Reserve (AGR) - providing active duty support for the Ohio Army National Guard. Most of my time was in Supply field - primarily as a unit armorer. Had the opportunity to fire every weapon in the units from the old M1911 45cal up to the 90MM recoilless rifle. Finished career as 11C50H in a mortar section.
Military Experiences
Nov 1997 - May 2000
Fire Direction Chief 11C30H
During month performed unit admin responsibilities and on drill was section sgt (Plt Sgt) for mounted 120MM mortar section of 3 gun tracks and a command track.
Feb 1988 - Aug 1991
Property Book NCO
Responsible for $250mil of property around the state of Ohio to include property at Camp Perry, Revenna Arsenal, Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, McConnelsville Air Defense Artillery Center.
During this duty supervised the mobilization of 9 units to active duty status for Desert Storm in 1991.
During this duty supervised the mobilization of 9 units to active duty status for Desert Storm in 1991.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Personal Information