LTC Michael Boyd

LTC Michael Boyd

Dates of Service: Mar 1984 - Aug 2011
73% Complete
69 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,395
10,893 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT May 89
  • 1LT May 92
  • CPT Jun 96
  • MAJ Jul 02
  • LTC Aug 08
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1989

Recent Activity  -


I have a BS in Biology and minor in Chemistry from the University of Alabama, graduation from the Army Command and General Staff Officers College, 24 hours completed towards a MS in Crisis and Disaster Management, currently enrolled at South University in the aMBA-HCA, and a 27 year career in the Army Medical Department with over 24 years in leadership, command, and senior management positions.

Stellar Plant Manager with over 15 years experience in P&L, safety, HAZMAT, shipping, receiving, logistics, equipment preventive maintenance, process safety, process improvement, and regulatory requirements in chemical production plants. Visionary Operations Officer having over 27 years in the Army Medical Department with emphasis in strategic planning, mullti-site operations, logistics, accountability, security, training, resource management.

Military Experiences

Jun 2008 - Aug 2011
Chief of Operations (CHOPS)
Planned and executed the move from Morrow, GA to an Army Reserve Center in Forest Park, GA. Prepared operating expenses, reviewed available facilities, planned for sectional work space, and directed the move, leading to a $500,000 annual cost avoidance while improving the Command’s performance, operations, training, and security; managed a budget of over $10.5 million for Soldier training, readiness, and deployment. Led a team consolidating and documenting readiness factors for the Command; compiled a database of deployment requirements for healthcare providers. Improved readiness to 92%.
Sep 2007 - Jun 2008
Deputy Chief of Staff, Health and Human Services (G1)
Directed the reorganization of the Personnel (G1) section required in the mission to assume command and control of five subordinate medical brigades. Collaborated on mission goals set by other staff sections; planned personnel operations needed; organized staff training; conducted mock simulations; revised and improved operating procedures during the assumption. In a period of seven months, utilized a staff of 27 Soldiers and civilians to seamlessly transfer 9,500 medical professionals from the Army Reserve Medical Command (AR-MEDCOM) to the 3d Medical Command Deployment Support (MDSC).
Aug 2006 - Sep 2007
Battle Major (G3)
Developed the operational protocol for the Battle Cell; trained, supervised, managed, and mentored Battle Cell Soldiers; provided continual 24 hour operations and ensured the continuous flow of information to 34 subordinate units; organized over 3400 critical information requirements, significant actions, situation reports, and Red Cross messages; organized the orderly rotation of 9500 medical professionals into and out of theatre locations without missing a suspense, tasking, or mission; designated as the operations section leader on the Hospital Validation Team; validated hospital operations
Jan 2005 - Aug 2006
Plans and Operations Officer (G3)
Served as medical plans and operations officer for 3d Medical Command, an echelon above corps (EAC),multi-component deployable medical command with a war trace of over 7000 Soldiers; supervised all security, plans, operations, training, mission support, risk management, and safety protocols for the command and its subordinate wartrace units. Primary action officer for Operation Desert Medic and Operation Bright Star; Officer in Charge of the Joint Visitors Bureau for the Operation Golden Medic.


(1 year, 9 months)
May 2010 - Jun 2010
Deployed with a hand selected staff of senior officers and NCO's from across the Army Reserves to conduct an External Evaluation (EXEVAL) on the 18th Medical Command located at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
Aug 2006 - Sep 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Developed the operational protocol; trained, supervised, managed, and mentored Battle Cell Soldiers; provided continual 24 hour operations and ensured the continuous flow of information to 34 subordinate units; organized over 3400 critical information requirements, significant actions, situation reports, and Red Cross messages; earned Bronze Star.
Jun 2005 - Aug 2005
Deployed with the 3d Medical Command in support of Operation Bright Star. The Soldier's for this multi-national military training exercise were hand picked by the MEDCOM Commanding General and were to become the first and only Medical Command to deploy to Iraq in support of OIF and OEF.
Nov 2005 - Dec 2005
South korea
South Korea
Deployed with the 3d Medical Command's hand selected staff of senior officers and NCO's to conduct an External Evaluation (EXEVAL) on the 18th Medical Command located in Seoul Korea.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 2006 - May 2006

Health Services Security, Plans, Operations, Intelligence, and Training (70H)

Jun 1997 - Jul 1997

Health Services Health and Human Services Manager (70F)

Security Clearance


Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter