56% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 526
70,504 out of 868,098 Veterans
70,504 out of 868,098 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Aug 2008 - Sep 2011
Aircrew Life Support Superintendent
Supervise 7 full time military technicians and 10 traditional guardsmen. Ensure all equipment inspected and staged for use on aircraft, special missions, etc. Provide leadership for subordinates. Coordinate with wing staff for budget requirements, personnel requirements, and equipment replacement.
Jun 1993 - Aug 2008
Aircrew Life Support
Inspect, repair, replace aircrew life support equipment, i.e. helmets, O2 masks, life rafts, survival kits, radios, night vision goggles, survival vests, parachutes, restraint harnesses, etc. Conduct aircrew continuation training i.e. combat survival, water survival, hanging harness, and equipment refresher training. Ensure all test equipment used in good working order and calibrated as needed.
Feb 1986 - Sep 1992
Aircrew Life Support
Worked as life support specialist in 35th Flying Training Squadron/54th Flying Training Squadron/Custom Helmet Shop. Inspect, repair, replace all equipment used by aircrew members. Also served as Wing NCOIC assisting Wing Superintendent in managing flying squadron/custom helmet life support shops.