Recent Activity -
Extensive experience as a heavy diesel mechanic. A+, Net+, Sec+ certified. MS Server 2012 R2 trained. Trained dealer for Texas Hold 'Em poker. Knowledgeable in various low-voltage jobs. Varied carpentry, plumbing, paint, and handyman experience. Currently working in the hydroblast industry and loving it!
Volunteer moderator with a prevalent fb veteran page/group.
Volunteer moderator with a prevalent fb veteran page/group.
Military Experiences
Jul 2008 - Apr 2012
Sr Track Mechanic/Recovery NCO
Troubleshoot, repair and replace components on track and wheel vehicles including M2A3 Bradley, M88A1, M113A3 series, HMMWV, HEMMT, FMTV series, RG-33L and + series, MRAP's and forklifts. Conduct recovery operations of vehicles using the M88A1 and HEMMT Wrecker.
Oversee, train, and counsel a squad of 5 soldiers. Conduct floor supervisor and QA/QC duties while soldiers work on vehicles.
Oversee, train, and counsel a squad of 5 soldiers. Conduct floor supervisor and QA/QC duties while soldiers work on vehicles.
Jul 2007 - Jun 2008
S-3 Land Management/OPORD Production
Manage ranges, training areas, and training calandars at the battalion level. Manage, interpret, and produce Operational Orders at the battalion level. Develop, manage and produce PowerPoint presentation for weekly Battalion Commander Update Brief with unit command teams and s-shops.
Jul 2003 - Jun 2007
Squad Leader, Squad Member, Track Vehicle Mechanic
"3rd" shop mechanic. Troubleshoot, repair, and replace major components in track and wheeled vehicles (engines, transmissions, transfers, final drives, differentials, etc.).
Oversee, train, and counsel a squad of 7 soldiers. Conduct floor supervisor and QA/QC duties while soldiers work on vehicles.
Oversee, train, and counsel a squad of 7 soldiers. Conduct floor supervisor and QA/QC duties while soldiers work on vehicles.
(3 years, 2 months)Feb 2009 - Feb 2010

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
B TRP CRT, 1-7 CAV, 1 BCT, 1 CD
JSS Istiqlal
Conduct routine and unscheduled maintenance on fleet. Conduct recovery operations. Supervise/oversee RG-33L, RG-33L+ and MRAP maintenance. Conduct ECOD (Estimated Cost of Damage) and battle loss reports for IED struck vehicles. Conduct SOG on a 12-hr/3 day shift. Assist in patrols as needed
JSS Istiqlal
Conduct routine and unscheduled maintenance on fleet. Conduct recovery operations. Supervise/oversee RG-33L, RG-33L+ and MRAP maintenance. Conduct ECOD (Estimated Cost of Damage) and battle loss reports for IED struck vehicles. Conduct SOG on a 12-hr/3 day shift. Assist in patrols as needed
Jan 2006 - Jan 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
1/37 AR MST, B Co 501 FSB, 1 BCT, 1 AD
Sinjar,Iraq then Camp Ramadhiyh
Conduct routine and unscheduled maintenance on fleet. Assist 1-1 CAV with maintenance as needed. Supervise contact maintenance team near northwest Iraq/Syria border with 5-ton MTV wrecker. Conduct ECOD(Estimated Cost of Damage) and battle loss reports for IED struck vehicles.
Sinjar,Iraq then Camp Ramadhiyh
Conduct routine and unscheduled maintenance on fleet. Assist 1-1 CAV with maintenance as needed. Supervise contact maintenance team near northwest Iraq/Syria border with 5-ton MTV wrecker. Conduct ECOD(Estimated Cost of Damage) and battle loss reports for IED struck vehicles.
Aug 2003 - Jul 2004

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Base Auto Team, B Co 501 FSB, 1 BCT, 1 AD
FOB Provider, Baghdad, Iraq
Repair vehicles damaged during patrols and conduct unscheduled maintenance (major component replacements). Conduct main ECP guard and Civilian entry gate guard. Oversee local national workers while they conduct work on the FOB.
FOB Provider, Baghdad, Iraq
Repair vehicles damaged during patrols and conduct unscheduled maintenance (major component replacements). Conduct main ECP guard and Civilian entry gate guard. Oversee local national workers while they conduct work on the FOB.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Personal Information