Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jun 2013 - Jun 2016
Force Development
Serve as the senior force development officer supporting six subordinate General Officer commands and over 36,000 assigned military and civilian personnel, approximately 18% of the entire Army Reserve. The staff proponent for all force structure, force modernization, force integration, stationing, manpower management, and Army Reserve 2020 transformation priorities established by the Commanding General, 377th TSC and Chief, Army Reserve. Responsible for leading strategic stationing work groups that analyzes demographics, recruiting, and facility feasibility and pockets of capability. Supervises Command-wide unit activations/inactivations/relocations and conversions, and monitor readiness metrics of all activating force structure within the Command. Assist in the development of the Command
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees