77% Complete
0 Endorsements
30 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,275
11,122 out of 867,938 Veterans
11,122 out of 867,938 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I'm mostly a mainframe programmer, have been for over 33 years. I'm in a new position now but it is completely different from being a programmer. I would like to get back into programming if I could and back into government work also.
Military Experiences
Aug 1979 - Jun 1984
Computer Programmer
Began training in Mainframe programmer. Part of the training was to build a new system that would keep track of base housing occupancy on Hickam AFB. Also, transitioned COBOL programs from Burrough's to UNIVAC.
Jun 1977 - Aug 1979
Procurement Specialist
Purchasing supplies, creating contracts and administering contract bidding process.
Sep 1972 - Feb 1974
Communication Center Specialist
Send and receive messages via IBM 3060. Send out messages to off-base sites. Prepare messages to be sent out. Perform security policies according to Air Force regulations.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees