SFC Marvin Smith

SFC Marvin Smith

Dates of Service: no date specified
33% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 275
139,761 out of 864,904 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Jul 82
  • PV2 Dec 82
  • PFC May 83
  • SPC Jan 84
  • CPL Jan 86
  • SGT Jan 87
  • SSG Jul 89
  • SFC Aug 98

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jul 1994 - Jul 2002
C Co
Platoon Sergeant
Platoon Sergeant of 3rd platoon.(LRRP). Squad lead weapons platoon, squad leader of rifle platoon Primary MOS switch back to 11B4G
Aug 1988 - Jul 1994
Mobilation NCO
Mobilization NCO for 5th Army (E5-E6) Primary MOS switch from 11B to 11M
Jul 1984 - Aug 1988
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sargent (E5) Primary MOS switched from 11C to 11B
Oct 1982 - Jul 1984
Mortor platoon
(Combat Support Company) Mortar crew member in 4.2 mortar platoon in armor battalion.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1986 - 1996

University of Central Oklahoma

Bachelor's Degree
