SGT Rodney Ridge

SGT Rodney Ridge

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
65% Complete
0 Endorsements
31 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,690
3,967 out of 130,154 E-5s
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  • PVT
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  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT Dec 09


My MOS is 92Y (unit supply specialist) been in the Army for 10 years doing my job. Currently doing an internship with 918th Contracting Battalion so that I can develope new skills and open up more opportunites in the civilan work force once I am medically retired in a few months. Short term goals: Move to Florida and find job opportunites. Long Term goal: Find balance in my life and enjoy it. I was born an raised in Muncie Indiana and graduated high school in 1991. Worked in the restaurant industry from the age of 16 until I was 31. I worked my way up to the store manager position with Taco Grande. That store closed its Indiana locations. I went to work for Arby's and was an assistant manager util I left to join the military.

Military Experiences

Jun 2014 - Present
Ended in Jun 2014
918th CCBN
Contract Specialist
I am doing an internship through Operation War Fighter so that I can open up other job opportunites when I am medically retired in a few months. I will be learning Aquistion Planning, Purchase Requests, Contract Filing, Pre Solicitation, Core compentancies, Simplified Aquisitions, Solicitation Preperation, Solicitation Reviews, Solicitation of Offers, Proposal Evaluations, Clearance procedures, Negotiations and Award, Contract Administration, and Delivery and Task orders.
Jun 2009 - Aug 2012
Supply Clerk (S4)
Logistics, Financial liabilty documents, purchasing and receiving. Inventory control, inspections of Batteries Supply sections. Was the lead Publications representitive for the Battalion.
Feb 2007 - Jun 2009
Supervised and performed supply and administrative duties involving requests, receipts, storage, issuing, accountability and preservation of expendable supplies and equipment Prepared and maintained organizational supply records and forms. Received and inspected inventories for future deliveries. Maintained logistical accounting system associated with supply management. Secured and controlled supplies, utilizing computer applications for work assignments. Provided technical guidance in areas of supply management,reviewed records and information. Checks documents for accuracy and completeness, coordinated supply activities. Posted financial transactions to organize installation property books and supporting transaction files.


(3 years, 8 months)
Feb 2013 - Jun 2013
Supervised and performed supply and administrative duties involving requests, receipts, storage, issuing, accountability and preservation of expendable supplies and equipment Prepared and maintained organizational supply records and forms. Received and inspected inventories for future deliveries. Maintained logistical accounting systems.
Feb 2011 - Feb 2012
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Supervised and performed supply and administrative duties involving requests, receipts, storage, issuing, accountability and preservation of expendable supplies and equipment Prepared and maintained organizational supply records and forms. Received and inspected inventories for future deliveries. Maintained logistical accounting systems.
Aug 2008 - Aug 2009
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Supervised and performed supply and administrative duties involving requests, receipts, storage, issuing, accountability and preservation of expendable supplies and equipment Prepared and maintained organizational supply records and forms. Received and inspected inventories for future deliveries. Maintained logistical accounting systems.
Aug 2005 - Aug 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Supervised and performed supply and administrative duties involving requests, receipts, storage, issuing, accountability and preservation of expendable supplies and equipment Prepared and maintained organizational supply records and forms. Received and inspected inventories for future deliveries. Maintained logistical accounting systems.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2001 - 2003


