Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jul 1993 - Feb 1996
Battalion S2 Intelligence NCOIC
Was assigned as the Bn's S2 NCOIC (E-8 slot) after the S3 rejected me because I was Battle Staff qualified with the ASI 2S.
Assisted the S2 to provide the Bn Cdr with current up to date Battle Field Intelligence, threat assessment, Probable Course of action by the Enemy.
Physical Security NCOIC
- Responsible for the welfare of 1 NCO and 3 Junior Enlisted
- Responsible for managing the Squadron Physical Security Program
- Provides mentorship, guidance and direction on intelligence training
- Advises the S2 on all matters related to Physical Security, trains and mentors Troop level Physical Security Officers, Armorers, Key Control Custodians and Crime Prevention NCOs.
Also: Bn Crime Prevention NCOIC, Computer and Information Securiry NCOIC
Assisted the S2 to provide the Bn Cdr with current up to date Battle Field Intelligence, threat assessment, Probable Course of action by the Enemy.
Physical Security NCOIC
- Responsible for the welfare of 1 NCO and 3 Junior Enlisted
- Responsible for managing the Squadron Physical Security Program
- Provides mentorship, guidance and direction on intelligence training
- Advises the S2 on all matters related to Physical Security, trains and mentors Troop level Physical Security Officers, Armorers, Key Control Custodians and Crime Prevention NCOs.
Also: Bn Crime Prevention NCOIC, Computer and Information Securiry NCOIC
Apr 1982 - Jun 1993
Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
S3 3rd Bde, 7th ID Light.
Served as an Assistant Operations Sergeant. Assisted the S3 and the NCOIC to create all brigade maneuver graphics, possible course of actions based on the Bde Cdr intent. Track battle field data on all units assigned to the Bde.
Also served as the Bde Schools NCO. Coordinated and processed all Dept of Army and Ft. Ord schools allocations assigned to the 1800 man Brigade. Would achieve and maintain a 110% attendance.
Also served as the Bde's Unit Movement NCOIC as well as the Bde's Hazmat Certifier NCOIC
Served as an Assistant Operations Sergeant. Assisted the S3 and the NCOIC to create all brigade maneuver graphics, possible course of actions based on the Bde Cdr intent. Track battle field data on all units assigned to the Bde.
Also served as the Bde Schools NCO. Coordinated and processed all Dept of Army and Ft. Ord schools allocations assigned to the 1800 man Brigade. Would achieve and maintain a 110% attendance.
Also served as the Bde's Unit Movement NCOIC as well as the Bde's Hazmat Certifier NCOIC
Oct 1991 - Mar 1992
US Army Coordinator
Served as the US Army Coordinator/ Liaison. Provided support for all US Army officers attending NPS for their master degree. I would work with DFAS, local US Army commands (DLI and Ft. Ord), PERSCOM, etc to provide the supports and needs the Officers would need.
Feb 1987 - 1991
Section Leader
Tow Plt 3-17 IN, 3rd Bde, 7th ID Light, Ft. Ord, CA
Initially assigned as Section Leader. Became Plt. Sgt effective Nov 1989.
Initially assigned as Section Leader. Became Plt. Sgt effective Nov 1989.
(1 year, 9 months)Feb 1990 - Mar 1990
Operation Promote Liberty
Plt. Sgt. Tow Plt, 3rd Bn 17th Inf (L), 7th Infantry Division (Light) Follow on Mission for Operation Just Cause
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Nov 1985 - Dec 1985
Improved TOW Vehicle Transition-Trainer Course
Jan 1994
Technical Transportation of Hazardous Material
Jan 1993
Equipment Preparation/ Loader Course
Jan 1993
Airlift Planners Course
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information