SSG Jim Zott

SSG Jim Zott

Dates of Service: May 1984 - May 1999
57% Complete
20 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,039
20,201 out of 866,664 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC May 84
  • SPC Jan 85
  • SGT Nov 85
  • SSG

Recent Activity  -


Co-Author on: Animal Recognition in the Mojave Desert: Vision Tools for Field Biologists presented to the IEEE Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2012 Vision Algorithms for Automated Census of Animals presented to Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop 2011

Military Experiences

Feb 2011 - Feb 2013
412 TW
Environmental Science and Technology Integrator
As the Environmental Science & Technology Integrator, I develop strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents. Serving as the data administrator of the internal and external content management systems and online educational system. Design and develop projects that provide technical and scientific solutions using Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR). Develop life cycle cost analyses of environmental projects and perform cost benefit of current or projected environmental and weapon system test programs.
Jun 2001 - Feb 2011
Environmental Engineer
Aug 1999 - Jun 2002
411 FLTS
Staff Scientist
Support the F-22 Weapon System Environmental/Occupational Acquisition Manager during the weapon system development process. Create and apply analytical and statistical analysis of engineering, finance and economic controls for further short and long term basing of the weapon system. Develop test procedures and evaluated results for occupational and environmental exposures and process procedures. Assess the effectiveness and necessity of approaches and identify the effects associated the implementing the proposed standards, regulations and policies.
Jan 1995 - May 1999
Supervise three Preventive Medicine Technicians assigned to Environmental Health Section; Directed all Environmental Health inspections for Fort Riley operations (multi-state area), while providing training and technical assistance to units and regional commands. Designed an automated Heat Stress Monitoring system that was in use on several military installations.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jan 1997 - Feb 1997

Army Medical Department Noncommissioned Officer Basic Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 1997 - Jul 1997

Basic Industrial Hygiene Technician, 6H-F11/322-F11

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

entomologyenvironmental scienceepidemiologyindustrial hygienepreventive medicinerapid innovative technologyresearch and developmentsbirSciencefic1 Science Fictionsteam punk