SGT James Peacock

SGT James Peacock

Dates of Service: Mar 1989 - May 1992
49% Complete
13 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,366
28,507 out of 866,787 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Mar 89
  • PFC Oct 89
  • SPC
  • CPL Jul 90
  • SGT Apr 92

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I live life as a 100% disabled veteran. I lost my kidneys because of whatever it was I got exposed to in Panama during Operation Just Cause. I have to do dialysis three days a week for the rest of my life. I guess my goal is to keep in touch with my brothers. My goal is to NOT try and do all of this alone. I need bros to let know when I need something I guess. I was pretty good at getting product from one place to another very precisely. Turns out, all that Army paperwork IS a strange and mysterious skill, especially if you can type and aren't afraid of computers. Logistics. Production. I also built designed the switchgear houses for oil rigs. Basically giant breaker boxes. Did that for a year and was offered a job to return home to work for the family business. Six years there then I got ill.

Military Experiences

Jul 1990 - May 1992
C Co
Fire Team Leader
I was a PFC RTO one day, then we lost three Sergeants to injury in one day. I stood up, took over a squad of new recruits, and ran them through the rest of the field problem. The first Sergeant flocked me a Corporal and even got me the ultra rare orders for Corporal because I had a Combat Infantry Badge already.
Mar 1990 - Jul 1990
C Co
Radio Operator
Well, the Lieutenant that went with us to Panama moved to S-2 and he told the new Lieutenant that I would be ideal for the position of RTO until I could be made a sergeant. The RTO shadows the Lieutenant like a British Military Batman for the most part. Being close the LT I learned a lot and taught a lot so it was a good leadership training position. I always suggested our brighter stars for the spot later in my career for the same reason. I enjoyed being the RTO. The extra weight isn't so bad.
Jun 1989 - Feb 1990
C Co
Assistant Machine Gunner
I could make it fire and the gunner could see his target. We were qualified and spent much of the trip to Panama together.


(8 months)
May 1992
Los Angeles
LA Riots after the Rodney King Police Beating trials verdict sparked off a riot that burned down business in large portion of Los Angeles. We guarded the only standing grocery store for miles. A Fiesta. We deployed early May for three weeks at the intersection of Compton and Watts.
Dec 1989 - Feb 1990
Operation Just Cause
C Co. 2/27, attached to 4/21 in Coco Solo and rode Landing Craft into the city of Colon. We got an arrowhead on our AEF ribbons for that little boat ride under fire. Got shot at for about a week and then it was a really kick ass Executive class vacation with Automatic Weapons. And Neat-o, they put a little AEF next to OJC above! Neat.
Aug 1989 - Nov 1989
Operation Just Cause
Deployed to Ft. Espinar Panama to Protect American Lives and property in the midst of the General Manuel Noriega Dictatorship. Was given live ammo on October 2?(twenty-?) and put into position during Coup Attempt.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Light Leadership Course

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1994 - 1997

University of Texas – Austin

Bachelor's Degree, History (Major)
