Recent Activity -
Innovative, dynamic, forward thinking leader and accomplished military veteran with over 20 years of progressive human resource management experience in a variety of award winning large and medium sized global and domestic government organizations in the U.S. Army. Earned eight promotions and numerous awards and accolades. Excelled in business management and strategy, human resource development,
Command Career Counselor
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Fort Eustis, Virginia
Sergeant Major Craig T. Lott assumed duties of Command Career Counselor, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command on 9 May 2011.
Command Career Counselor
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Fort Eustis, Virginia
Sergeant Major Craig T. Lott assumed duties of Command Career Counselor, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command on 9 May 2011.
Military Experiences
May 2011 - May 2014
Command Career Counselor
Revolutionized an award winning 40,000 personnel employee retention organization in peacetime and in war. Supervised, trained, and managed 125 Career Managers and increased production 15% annually. Maintained 99% employee retention rates the entire time as Program Manager. Selected over 3,500 peers and professionals to serve as a Board Member on numerous Senior Level Promotion Boards to select future leaders. These boards included 52,000 eligible candidates, 5,000 were promoted for a total selection rate of 9%. Innovative, dedicated, and visionary leader who’s mastered the principles of retention, education, training, and leader development processes.
(1 year, 2 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 2009 - Sep 2009
Garrison CSM Course
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees