SPC Stacey Lowell

SPC Stacey Lowell

Dates of Service: Jun 1985 - Jun 1990
67% Complete
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,927
9,929 out of 865,948 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Sep 85
  • PFC Apr 86
  • SPC Mar 87

Recent Activity  -


Prior to Military Service, I worked for Market Basket Grocery Store in Portsmouth, NH; After Service I was a Security Guard for 1st Security and Rockingham Security. I worked until 1995 at which time I fell ill with PTSD and was unable to work. I was homeless for almost a year and then granted VA Benefits for PTSD and Bipolar I Disorder and made 100% in 2001. Security Guard for Rockingham Security and also for 1st Security as a roving security guard from Boston to Contoocook, NH for a few years. I did not work long as my diagnoses of Bipolara I and PTSD kicked in and I was dismissed from the job. I was homeless for awhile despite the fact that I found and achieved sobriety on 2. April 1995

Military Experiences

Sep 1985 - Dec 1988
Weapons Load Crew Member
I shot weapons such as the SAW, M-60 Machine Gun, I hauled around the 90 mm Recoiless Rifle for the three years in Berlin - I shot the 90 mm Recoiless Rifle on a couple of occasions in Graffenwoehr and Hohenfels... And other duties included Spandau Allied Prison Guard Duty a couple of occasions to guard No. 7 (in 1987 Hess strangled himself to death)...Alot of spit, polish and Double Stacked and tapped boots for Parade Season and Change of Command Ceremonies as well.


(2 months)
Dec 1989 - Jan 1990
Operation Just Cause
I was assigned to HHC 3/6 Inf(M) at Fort Polk S-3 section (logistics) and we deployed to Panama in support of Operation Just Cause. I was not injured there; however, I was assaulted by a Staff Sergeant and soon after the assault I was returned to Fort Polk and faced a medical board and was medically discharged on 13 June 1990.

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills


German and Converasational Fre (2+/2+)

German (0/-)

Additional Specialization(s)


Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

catching up with my old buddies from the bbdehelping others find and achieve sobriety and clean timehelping out my communityintelligent televisionForeign language Languagessome politicsTalking logo TalkingAe5debb6 Travel