Recent Activity -
Prior to Military Service, I worked for Market Basket Grocery Store in Portsmouth, NH; After Service I was a Security Guard for 1st Security and Rockingham Security. I worked until 1995 at which time I fell ill with PTSD and was unable to work. I was homeless for almost a year and then granted VA Benefits for PTSD and Bipolar I Disorder and made 100% in 2001.
Security Guard for Rockingham Security and also for 1st Security as a roving security guard from Boston to Contoocook, NH for a few years. I did not work long as my diagnoses of Bipolara I and PTSD kicked in and I was dismissed from the job. I was homeless for awhile despite the fact that I found and achieved sobriety on 2. April 1995
Military Experiences
Sep 1985 - Dec 1988
Weapons Load Crew Member
I shot weapons such as the SAW, M-60 Machine Gun, I hauled around the 90 mm Recoiless Rifle for the three years in Berlin - I shot the 90 mm Recoiless Rifle on a couple of occasions in Graffenwoehr and Hohenfels... And other duties included Spandau Allied Prison Guard Duty a couple of occasions to guard No. 7 (in 1987 Hess strangled himself to death)...Alot of spit, polish and Double Stacked and tapped boots for Parade Season and Change of Command Ceremonies as well.
(2 months)Dec 1989 - Jan 1990
Operation Just Cause
I was assigned to HHC 3/6 Inf(M) at Fort Polk S-3 section (logistics) and we deployed to Panama in support of Operation Just Cause. I was not injured there; however, I was assaulted by a Staff Sergeant and soon after the assault I was returned to Fort Polk and faced a medical board and was medically discharged on 13 June 1990.
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
German and Converasational Fre (2+/2+)
German (0/-)
Additional Specialization(s)
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information