Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Oct 2017 - May 2020
Public Affairs Planner
• Worked w/ the DIV Chief to manage the Army Comm Sync process, providing an Army-wide platform for informing & consulting w/ sr leaders across the force on timely, critical public affairs issues.
• Led Army Comm Sync OPT, providing guidance, advice, & assistance to HQ, DA staff, major ACOMs, ASCCs & agencies ISO dev commun messaging aligned w/ the Army Campaign Plan and sr leader priorities.
• Formulated monthly Chief of Public Affairs Sends newsletter to effectively communicate messages to all audiences internal & external, top-level military & civilian government officials.
• Led Army Comm Sync OPT, providing guidance, advice, & assistance to HQ, DA staff, major ACOMs, ASCCs & agencies ISO dev commun messaging aligned w/ the Army Campaign Plan and sr leader priorities.
• Formulated monthly Chief of Public Affairs Sends newsletter to effectively communicate messages to all audiences internal & external, top-level military & civilian government officials.
Sep 2014 - Sep 2017
Chief, Joint Exercises
• Led 15 PAX in managing the JFHQ-DODIN Jt Ex branch.
• Integrated DCO into dev, executing, & managing National, COCOM, DoD Agency and CDF ex reqts, ensuring the efficacy of integrating cyber w/ the NSS, NDS, DoD Cyber Strategy, as well as other U.S. doctrine, & policy.
• Utilized the JTS to advise the cmd on trng & ex opp to validate the cmd's readiness posture, while sync w/ U.S. Cyber Command (USCC) to ensure readiness of cyberspace cap across all domains.
• Led JFHQ-DODIN equities w/ USCC & CDF community to ex & refine Cyber C2 structure during >30 Tier-1 ex & TTX's. Validated & assessed op processes to capture dependencies to enhance cmd readiness.
• Dev cmd initial operating budget. Managed cmd exercise budget, & oversight of the ex contract workforce, valued > $500k.
• Integrated DCO into dev, executing, & managing National, COCOM, DoD Agency and CDF ex reqts, ensuring the efficacy of integrating cyber w/ the NSS, NDS, DoD Cyber Strategy, as well as other U.S. doctrine, & policy.
• Utilized the JTS to advise the cmd on trng & ex opp to validate the cmd's readiness posture, while sync w/ U.S. Cyber Command (USCC) to ensure readiness of cyberspace cap across all domains.
• Led JFHQ-DODIN equities w/ USCC & CDF community to ex & refine Cyber C2 structure during >30 Tier-1 ex & TTX's. Validated & assessed op processes to capture dependencies to enhance cmd readiness.
• Dev cmd initial operating budget. Managed cmd exercise budget, & oversight of the ex contract workforce, valued > $500k.
Jul 2013 - Jun 2014
Brigade Operations (S3)
• Ops Ofcr of a fwd deployed TSSB w/ > 2,000 SMs, DACs & CTRs, consisting of 2 org Strat Sig Bns & 2 attached ESB's sptng AFG, Iraq, and JSA-GA.
• Resp for providing C4 & coalition svcs, connectivity, net protect, & netops to all Jt/Combined Cmds in the USCENTCOM AOR.
• Directed the opns, maint & sustain of expeditionary and strat comms sys & svcs ISO USARCENT HQ Fwd, U.S. Forces & NATO trng msn - AFG & assoc. sptng elements, camps & bases totaling > 30 sites across SW & Central Asia.
• Provided oversight for comms contracts valued > $450M/yr.
• Ensured the success of numerous USARCENT’s Theater Sec Coop Ex while simult assuring uninterrupted comms spt to TAMD nodes in the USCENTCOM’s AO.
• Managed mult bde events, and pre-deploy plan, RSOI of 2 ESB's and 2 Tropo detachments.
• Resp for providing C4 & coalition svcs, connectivity, net protect, & netops to all Jt/Combined Cmds in the USCENTCOM AOR.
• Directed the opns, maint & sustain of expeditionary and strat comms sys & svcs ISO USARCENT HQ Fwd, U.S. Forces & NATO trng msn - AFG & assoc. sptng elements, camps & bases totaling > 30 sites across SW & Central Asia.
• Provided oversight for comms contracts valued > $450M/yr.
• Ensured the success of numerous USARCENT’s Theater Sec Coop Ex while simult assuring uninterrupted comms spt to TAMD nodes in the USCENTCOM’s AO.
• Managed mult bde events, and pre-deploy plan, RSOI of 2 ESB's and 2 Tropo detachments.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 1998 - Feb 1999
Signal Offcer Advanced Course (SOAC)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 2005 - Feb 2005
Computer Network Defense Course
Dec 2004
System Administrator / Network Manager Course (SA/NM)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1990 - 1994
BA - Economics, Elon College