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Dr. Elyse Kaplan joined the Veterans Crisis Line, within the National Suicide Prevention Program in November 2022 as the Deputy Director, National Care Coordination and Peer Support Services. In that position, Dr. Kaplan oversees management of the Graduated Interventions Program, National Care Coordination, Customers with Complex Needs and Peer Support Outreach Center. Prior to joining the Veterans Crisis Line, Dr. Elyse Kaplan was on the executive leadership team of the Caregiver Support Program National Office, where she had served in various roles, including National Deputy Director, Acting Director and Associate Director, Policy and Regulations. Dr. Kaplan is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Maryland. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Michigan and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Loyola University, Maryland. She completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Health Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University Health System.