95% Complete
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Influence Score: 1,870
22,044 out of 867,244 Veterans
22,044 out of 867,244 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I ran out of money for school, so I entered the Navy on the old 2x6 program. After being assigned to VAW-115 on the USS Midway, where we were forward deployed to Yokosuka, Japan, I returned to Florida and was in the reserves for just over two years before going into the TAR program. I was stationed NAS Glenview, IL VP-90, and continued my education. I went on to have 22+ years of Naval Service.
Military Experiences
Jul 1990 - Nov 1995
Aug 1983 - Aug 1984
Admin Officer
Administrative and Personnel Officer for the military detachment. I was deployed off the coast of Beruit, Lebanon.
(3 years, 5 months)Aug 1983 - Aug 1984
Administration, Personnel, and LPO for Navy Detachment on board the USNS Waccamaw T-AO-109. Deployed to the Eastern Med (coast of Lebanon). We were refueling a destroyer when the Marine Barrack 900 yards away was car bombed.
Feb 1979 - Mar 1979
Kadena AFB
Deployed to Okinawa at Kadena Air Force Base. Administration and communications duties.
Jan 1978 - Feb 1978
VP-90 Barbers Point, HI
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information