61% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 376
101,809 out of 867,411 Veterans
101,809 out of 867,411 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Joined in Texas, went straight to Alaska and stayed for all four of my service years. Returned home to Texas for 2 years before moving to central California from 1986 to 2022. Now I'm back home where the adventure started.
Military Experiences
Jan 1980 - Nov 1983
Motor Vehicle Operator
Drove AF members around the base, operated everything from sedans, 6 pack trucks, 45 passenger buses, tow trucks and tractor trailers. Occasionally drove dignitaries around the base. Oh, and kept the base commander's vehicle in tip top shape. lol
(3 years, 11 months)Jan 1980 - Nov 1983
Elmendorf AFB, AK
Spent 4 years at Elmendorf in motor pool, LOVED it there. Fell in love and got married and had many great adventures exploring the state and being an airman.
Personal Information