60% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 193
172,509 out of 868,073 Veterans
172,509 out of 868,073 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jan 1997 - Feb 2002
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
My final assignment before mandatory retirement. Extended the tour to five years. Supported the Bosnia Operations.
Nov 1992 - Jul 1994
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Completed the unit BRAC move from Fort Polk to Fort Hood. Cleared the facilities at Polk on the first attempt. First unit to do so.
Aug 1992 - Nov 1992
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
Cased the 105th MI BN colors when the unit was deactivated and reactivated as the 522nd MI BN of the 2nd Armored Divison and then did a BRAC move from Fort Polk to Fort Hood Texas.
(5 years)Jan 1997 - Oct 2001

Bosnia and Herzegovina
CSM of the 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Operations) of the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade out of Wiesbaden, Germany supporting V Corps. Deployed elements and traveled to SFOR throughout my tour.
Dec 1989 - Jan 1990

Operation Just Cause
CSM of the 107th Military Intelligence Battalion, 7th Infantry Division
(Light), Fort Ord, California.
(Light), Fort Ord, California.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
May 1972 - Jul 1972
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information