PO3 Wendy Allen

PO3 Wendy Allen

Dates of Service: no date specified
42% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 585
61,486 out of 864,949 Veterans
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I spent years in Houston, Texas working in auto rental. I moved to Tucson, Arizona in 1995 after meeting my best friend, Sylvia Denise Copp. We worked for a few years doing armed security. She talked me into going to truck driving school and we drove 18 wheelers cross country. We then took over management of an RV park. Denise passed away January 31st of 2019. I continue to run the park.


(11 months)
Feb 1972 - Dec 1972
Western Pacific
We sailed to Nam from Long Beach, CA. To Hawaii then Okinawa, Japan then the Gulf of Tonkin

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