SPC Larry Parker

SPC Larry Parker

Dates of Service: Dec 1968 - Mar 1972
57% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 499
75,130 out of 864,947 Veterans
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(2 years, 10 months)
Feb 1971 - Mar 1972
Field Station Augsburg
72B2D1 Critical Intelligence Communications Center Operator The ASA did a massive "reduction in force" in March 1972. Anyone with over 3 years time in service could get an early out instead of finishing their 4 year enlistment. So long!
Aug 1970 - Feb 1971
Vine Hill Farms Station
Aug 1969 - Aug 1970
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
I was stationed with the 405th Radio Research Detachment, 82nd ABN in Phu Loi until they returned in Fall of '69. Then I went to Plantation II Field Force. My second PCS was to Vint Hill Farms Station, Warrenton, VA. Lastly, I wrapped up my service in the Criticomm Center on Flak Kerane in at USASA Field Station Augsburg.