82% Complete
3 Endorsements
111 Contacts
Influence Score: 18,250
245 out of 51,330 E-7s
245 out of 51,330 E-7s
Retired 1 July 2016 with 20yr and 8 months; enlisted U.S. Marines from 95' to 99' MOS 2146; Joined U.S. Army in 99' as a 63H. Three deployments to OIF, one to OEF-Africa; served as the S&R NCOIC 101st FSB 04'-05' (FT. Riley); Team Chief for 40th EN 07'-08' (Baumholder, GE); Team Chief Apache Maintenance 5-4 CAV 11'-13' (FT. Riley); Maintenance PSG 1-18th IN (FT. Riley) 13'-present