![Gary Borah TSgt Gary Borah](/assets/default/avatar_medium.png)
30% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 319
117,113 out of 867,689 Veterans
117,113 out of 867,689 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jul 1996 - Mar 2007
Crew Chief / Assistant Chief
Several Deployment from Roswell New Mexico, McCord AFB, Gulfport Mississippi, UAE, Baghdad, Kuwait, and Puerto Rico. I've made a lot of friends and experience a lot of different things. While in the Air Guard I have lost to many of those friends and one in pitcular I met on active duty TDY in Honduras he was army at the time and I was active duty AirForce This Friend was Msgt Jeff Edward's. We ran into each other again in Cuba. JEFF was forced out of the Army do to down sizing and he eventually join the Wyoming Air Guard were me retired from. CANCER took my friend,my brother from us. If any one ever new Jeff you were very fortunate.
Sep 1992 - Jun 1996
Crew Chief/Station Chief
Made many friends and was given a lot of opertuneties to prove my self. TDY to Cuba as fire chief.
Aug 1989 - Sep 1992
Fire Fighter Driver
Open the fire department and closed it. I have several friends from this station. I had a fire chief Jeb Bauer who taught me do much and believed in me. My shift was made up of the best people I could ever know.
(2 years, 2 months)Nov 2006
Puerto Rico
Beautiful sunny and great people