85% Complete
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Influence Score: 973
38,338 out of 867,313 Veterans
38,338 out of 867,313 Veterans
Recent Activity -
We recently moved to Sacramento to be close to our oldest daughter who just had our first Grandson. Raised four children 2 boys and 2 girls, youngest son and daughter both in the Air Force. I have built and sold several businesses in three different industries over the years and have my oldest son working at our agency. Big 49ers, Warriors and Giants fans.
Military Experiences
Apr 1968 - Jan 1972
Aviation Ordnance Specialist
Handled and loaded all ordnance and mechanical delivery systems for the A-7B light attack aircraft. Including 20mm canons, sidewinder missiles, rockets, all types of bombs including nuclear weapons
(1 year)Jul 1969 - Jun 1970
Vietnam War
First of two tours to Vietnam. Second tour was January 1971 to December 1971. First tour squadron was attached to the aircraft carrier USS Ranger and the second tour attached to the USS Midway. We were doing combat fkight operations attacking targets in country.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jun 1968 - Sep 1968
Aviation Ordnance A School
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Personal Information