PFC Harry Humason

PFC Harry Humason

Dates of Service: no date specified
77% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 860
43,636 out of 866,668 Veterans
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Recent Activity  -


Enlisted Dec '43. Activated June '44. Deployed to Germany March '45. Had several close calls with death. Lost a lot of good men. Came back to US July '45. Honorably discharged April '46. Married 56 years before wife passed from lymphoma. Had 4 children, 3 boys and a girl. Live with daughter in WA state. Civilian mechanical engineer for Navy 35 years. Have a blog

Military Experiences

Survey and Instrument Man
Survey School - Courses in instruments, aiming circle, transit and mathematical problems. Used aiming circle and transit to establish gun battery positions an coordinance of the positions in coordinance of the target.
Anti-Craft Fire Control Ground Observer
Anti-Craft Fire Control Ground Observer School - Courses in instruments, survey, battery command scope, aircraft recognition, radio, telephone communications, map reading, mathematics.
Infantry training
Private First Class
Camp Beale Separation Center - Separated April 1946 after returning from fighting the Nazis in Germany


Rhineland Central Europe GO 40 WD 45
Carried BAR, fought the Nazis in Germany under General Patton. Deployed to Germany March 1945. Returned to USA July 1945.

Military Credentials



Foreign Language Skills

None (0/0)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Ended in 1951

UC Berkeley

Bachelors Degree, Mechanical Engineering
