45% Complete
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Influence Score: 413
91,414 out of 867,407 Veterans
91,414 out of 867,407 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I retired from active duty after 20 yrs, 1 month. Widowed just before our 25th anniversary. One son. I love travel, saltwater and Alaska fishing, reading, a good steak, BBQ, Mexican, Korean, Greek, Mediterranean, German, Philippine, Puerto Rican, and Panamanian food. I’m active with Team RWB Fort Cavazos, my church, and community organizations. I still miss the love of my life, and always will.
Military Experiences
Jun 1994 - Jan 1997
S1 Personnel NCOIC
I was originally assigned to a 4th ID DISCOM Forward Support Battalion, but shortly thereafter I requested to fill the NCOIC vacancy at the DISCOM S-1 because my FSB 1SG wouldn’t permit me to work my PAC soldiers after the 1630 formation, in order to catch up on a serious backlog that they had accrued before my arrival. Ditto for me wanting to work them 1/2 day on Saturday in order to clear the backlog of personnel actions, awards, NCOER’s and OER’s. I thrived at the Division Support Command S-1, because my team and I weren’t micromanaged. I retired at the end of January 1997 because my son was getting ready to start school that year, and I wanted to have the time to volunteer at his school, attend school functions, and take him to outside activities like t-ball, soccer, and Scouts.
Oct 1991 - May 1994
Personnel Information System NCOIC
I must have pissed off my branch manager somehow, because they sent me, an active duty NCO, to work with the reserve personnel system after I pcs’d from Germany. Totally different system from the active Army. I had a position working with two officers and three civilians, but no real job. I can’t complain though, because I had gotten married just before I got there, was expecting a baby boy after six months there, and was able to bring him to work after my maternity leave because ARPERCEN had opened a day care in the building where I worked. I would visit him on my lunch breaks, and I got to know the wonderful ladies that spoiled him five days a week.
Aug 1988 - Oct 1991
Personnel Information System SGT, Redeployment Section SGT, Instructor
Supervised soldiers that verified and entered personnel information into the SIDPERS system. Then supervised soldiers in the Redeployment Section. Lastly, transferred to the 7th ATC Academy, where I was a Leadership Instructor for the PLDC course. During my time in Grafenwoehr, I competed and earned my entry into the SGT Morales Club. I also went TDY to attend the All Army Taekwondo camp
In PA. I competed on the post women’s softball team, and was the scorekeeper for the men’s team that won the USAEUR Championship one year.
Aug 1983 - Jul 1988
Personnel Information System SGT, PSNCO
Supervised soldiers that verified and entered personnel information into the SIDPERS system for a few years and then transferred to the PSNCO position at the Student Officer Battalion, where I supervised soldiers that serviced personnel actions for student armor officers. Began Taekwondo lessons during this time. Joined the Fort Knox Martial Arts Team. Represented Ft Knox and the US Army in tournaments in KY, TN, IN, OH, IL, GA. Went TDY to recruiting stations in KY, IN, and NY to perform Taekwondo demonstrations, and speak with high school students about opportunities in the Army. Attended the All Army Taekwondo Camp in PA.
(4 years, 4 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2011 - 2012
ESC Region 12
Alternative Teacher Certification, Early Childhood - 6th