PO1 William Snead

PO1 William Snead

Dates of Service: no date specified
45% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 415
90,748 out of 864,906 Veterans
About Discussions


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  • PO1 Dec 91

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jun 1992 - May 1994
AT shop supervisor for the MAMS System
Held a position that a Master Chief was supposed to hold $33+ million dollars of equipment and 23,000 items that I had to replace/track and issue. Between April 89 till June 92 recruited out of Owensboro then Madisonville. Prior Iwas a Calibration/Instrumentation repair tech. Out 85 till April 89. I also calibrated B & D physical and mechanical equipment. Went to medical school at night. My counselor asked me to change careers for my Mental health. I took a few classes and switched to a Masters degree in applied sciences. The Navy says that I have the equivalent of 4 Masters degrees Applied Science, Education, History and Asset management?


(7 months)
Oct 1985 - Apr 1986
The Mediterranean sea

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Mar 1993 - Apr 1993


Oct 1984 - Oct 1985

B E E Aviation Electronics technician AFTA Calibration schools

Individual & Special Skill Schools

May 1986 - May 1991

Medical school

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1984 - 1987

University of Tennessee

Applied Science, Electronics Calibration Instrumentation and repair technician
