56% Complete
0 Endorsements
24 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,438
17,602 out of 867,237 Veterans
17,602 out of 867,237 Veterans
Recent Activity -
My professional work involves connecting employers and job seekers through our niche job boards and job fairs, ClearedJobs.Net and CyberSecJobs.com.
I was able to leverage my last duty station (recruiting medical officers) into face to face relationships that ultimately led to this position.
I'm happy to connect with any vets looking for tips on networking, resumes, or job search advice.
Military Experiences
Jun 2011 - Jun 2014
Medical Officer Recruiter
Met 100% of goal in first year and exceeded goal (157%) the following year.
Active in social media, maintaining industry blog that receives over 900 views per month: http://navymedicinebaltimore.wordpress.com/
Feb 2010 - Jun 2011
Navy Manpower/Operations Chief
Ensured proper medical manning of 27 separate units (in excess of 1,000 Sailors). Despite an increase in unit demands for personnel of particular skill set and overall quantity, ensured each of the 12 units that deployed during this time were appropriately staffed while still ensuring remain behind units had adequate manpower to fulfill pre-deployment training missions as well as post-deployment medical assessments.
Jul 2008 - Feb 2010
Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO)
Led and managed 64 Sailors assigned to Aid Station in support of a 1,000 man Marine Infantry Battalion. Established operational and logistical plan while deployed to Afghanistan. Successfully submitted five Sailors for meritorious promotion. Received personal award (Meritorious Service Medal) for operational and administrative acumen in a historically austere environment. Success at this unit directly led to selection to follow on position as Manpower and Operations Chief for entire Division.
Jul 2005 - Jul 2008
Academics Chief
Curriculum developer for a seven week long school that prepared Navy personnel (primarily medical technicians) for service with the Marine Corps. Revamped entire textbook, media presentations, and written exams. Led review of training plan to allow for an insertion of 40 more hours of instruction without and increase in the training days.
(1 year, 8 months)Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Apr 2011
Navy Officer Recruiter Course
Sep 2005
Curriculum Developer, USMC
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees