46% Complete
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Influence Score: 116
212,945 out of 867,927 Veterans
212,945 out of 867,927 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I dont know. I grew up on a family farm and joined the Army at 18, came home after desert storm, a combat veteran and was too young to drink a beer with my dad and grandfather at the bar (Small town USA we all drank when we felt it necessary). Deployed to Panama twice, Honduras once sat on both communist borders with Nato forces at the DMZ and West Germany. Ran out of characte
Military Experiences
Jul 1994 - Dec 1994
Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic
I saw a little of everything and not a lot of one thing bad enough to fuck me up to the point of no return. I do not want to embellish, at a QRF site in Panama we were locked down for the initial 22 days, just a platoon. Our leadership fucked up
and with unverified intel we all settled into the barracks and our first night. The erroneous intel was near total catastrophic and nearly the most costly during peace time that the Army has ever seen.The incident was never classified so I can speak freely of it today and it is important to note this predated cell phones. I am tearing up already. LT locked us into a QRF site with one shoppette that did not sell Men's Magazines! One SPC had a penthouse in his ruck, that mag took a ride for 22 days and was passed around like a two dollar whore.
and with unverified intel we all settled into the barracks and our first night. The erroneous intel was near total catastrophic and nearly the most costly during peace time that the Army has ever seen.The incident was never classified so I can speak freely of it today and it is important to note this predated cell phones. I am tearing up already. LT locked us into a QRF site with one shoppette that did not sell Men's Magazines! One SPC had a penthouse in his ruck, that mag took a ride for 22 days and was passed around like a two dollar whore.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
S2 Clerk Rose Barracks
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance