PO1 Dori Lowham

PO1 Dori Lowham

Dates of Service: Nov 1983 - Sep 2001
95% Complete
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,520
17,159 out of 866,664 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Nov 83
  • SA May 84
  • SN Nov 84
  • PO3 Sep 85
  • PO2 Oct 92
  • PO1 Apr 96

Recent Activity  -


I was born in St. Charles, Missouri and grew up in Mesa, Arizona from the time I was 4. I went in the Navy 6 months after graduating high school. I have traveled all over the world and have been stationed at some great duty stations. I have 1 son who is grown but still is the center of my life! I enjoy the ocean, cooking, antiques, dancing, wine, and good company!

Military Experiences

Started in Aug 1998
Personnel Supervisor
Was in a Chief billet. In charge of 5 administrative personnel performing all aspects of HR and Admin requirements of the command. Flew in squadron as Air Crew and as the admin on board. Flew to ports all over the world. Sailor of the Year JAN 1999 Received 3rd Navy Achievement Medal JAN 1999 Sailor of the Year JAN 2000 Received 1st Navy Commendation Medal JAN 2000
Started in Jun 1997
Administrative LPO
Administrative LPO for 2 star Marine Corps General in support of joint exercises being held in conjunction with Pearl Harbor mobilization exercises. Received Joint Service Achievement Medal AUG 1998
Started in Aug 1993
Personnel Supervisor
Performed mobilization exercises in case of national emergency. I was in charge of all administrative personnel responsible for making service record entries, I documented payroll and was solely responsible for typing all evals and fitreps. Trained all YN's and PN's assigned to PMT 101. Was the admin exec for my department officer, XO and CO. Sailor of the Year JAN 1995 Sailor of the Year JAN 1996 Received 2nd Navy Achievement Medal JAN 1996 Advanced to PN1 APR 1996
Started in Jan 1992
Personnel Technician LPO
Performed mobilization exercises in case of national emergency. Was focal point for evaluations and fitreps for everyone in the command. Was in charge of 4 personnel as leading PN. Was in charge of training all administrative personnel (PN's, YN's, DK's). Advanced to PN2 OCT 1992 Sailor of the Year JAN 1993 Sailor of the Year JAN 1994 Received 1st Navy Achievement Medal JAN 1994

Personal Information
