Recent Activity -
My Grandfather was one of the first "Devil Dogs" in WW I. My Great Uncle fought in Korea "The Chosen Frozen." My Dad was a Marine for 22 Years, toured in Vietnam. All of them were Marines. I joined the Army and my Dad asked why "Dad I have seen everywhere the Marines are stationed. I want to see something different" His reply "Good enough for me."
My Grandfather was one of the first "Devil Dogs" in WW I. My Great Uncle fought in Korea "The Chosen Frozen." My Dad was a Marine for 22 Years, toured in Vietnam. All of them were Marines. I joined the Army and my Dad asked why "Dad I have seen everywhere the Marines are stationed. I want to see something different" His reply "Good enough for me."
Military Experiences
1980 - 1981
1979 - 1980
PFC E-3 Rifleman
Overseas assignments;
1 year in Korea
2 years in Panama
7 years in Germany
1 year in Korea
2 years in Panama
7 years in Germany
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Started in 1986
Basic Non-Commision Officer Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Personal Information