SGT Eric Vallejo

SGT Eric Vallejo

Dates of Service: no date specified
37% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 77
240,656 out of 867,916 Veterans
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  • SPC
  • SGT 78

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Military Experiences

Dec 1976 - Dec 1980
Maintenance Platoon Leader
Crew Chief Repairman on AG-1G attack Helicopters and Utility Helicopters, Door Gunner and Front Seat Gunner qualified on the AH-1 Helicopters, enjoyed the hell out of my Job, best decision ever made, ETS due to some accidents on Huey Helicopter and Cobra Helicopters, also had my Airframe and Powerplant license before joining the ARMY, another best decision ever made and up to this point have over 45 years in the Aviation Industry and still learning something every single day. Retired from United Airlines and continue working on Aircraft Safety and Quality Control. I believe that the Military is one of the best places to acquired the best aircraft maintenance experience. To this day working all these years on the Industry you can really see who have work on the military and who don't.

Personal Information

car racing and classic car restorations