Recent Activity -
(2 years, 10 months)Aug 1972 - Mar 1973

Vietnam War
MACV, Hue, "The Citadel" Till Cease Fire, then JMC, POW Negotiations Group, My Tho, then Phan Thiet till POW's lifted Off in Hanoi
Nov 1970 - Nov 1971

Vietnam War
135 AHC, EMU's, "Get the Bloody Job Done" Half Yank, Half Aussie Assault Helicopter Co, assigned as Commo, Volunteered as Door Gunner
May 1965 - May 1966

Vietnam War
HHC 1bn, 173rd Abn Bde Sept. Commo Wire Rat, went out with Line Companies on Op's Ran Wire Commo each Night on Op's or as needed to Outposts. Google Books.com Life Magazine Oct. 22, 1965, "Mary Martin Edition" Page 34 that me to left of Grenadier "Dutch" Holland. was Attached to Alpha on Operation Hump, Nov 5-9, 1965, first major Battle of VN War